The entire Solidari’Terre team would like to thank its generous donors who have enabled the 2020 International Solidarity Missions to have a real impact and help the local populations in the best possible way.
Despite the health crisis, more than 41500€ have been collected thanks to you. Your impact is important and lasting, and your donations help local populations, more than ever affected by the current crisis.
You will find below the detailed crowdfunding figures and the precise use of the funds on site. Please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form if you would like more information.
Project Argentina
Amount sent on site (100% of donations): 7000 €
Supported partner association: La Croix du Sud
Use of Funds: Completion of three community clinics for the City of Las Lomitas
Project Armenia
Amount sent on site (100% of the donations): Collection in progress
Supported partner association : Armenian Youth Organization
Use of Funds: Coming Soon
Project India
Amount sent on site (100% of donations): 4000€
Supported partner association: Les Enfants de Shanti
Use of funds :
– Allow the remuneration of 3 doctors for 2 months, 7 employees of the local association, 5 teachers and a sewing teacher for 1 month
– Pay the expenses of the orphanage for 1 month
– Finance year-round schooling for 5 children as well as school supplies for 3 children for 1 year
Project Indonesia
Amount sent on site (100% of donations): 3500€
Supported partner association: YHS
Use of funds: Construction of a water reservoir and rehabilitation project of the Lingo Middle School village school
Project Madagascar
Amount sent on site (100% of donations): 3000€
Supported partner association : Les Bambins d’Ambalavao
Use of Funds: Construction of paving on the way to school
Project Peru
Amount sent on site (100% of donations) : 2000 €
Supported partner association : TECHO
Use of funds: Purchase of food for the populations
Project Philippines
Amount sent on site (100% of donations) : 7500 €
Supported partner association : Enfants d’Asie
Use of Funds: Enrollment of 12 underprivileged youth in faculty (Basic needs, tuition, materials, tutoring)
Project Senegal
Amount sent on site (100% of donations) : 3500€
Supported partner association : Caritas et Keur d’Afrique
Use of funds: Substantial reforestation to ensure more fertile land and improve harvests (agriculture being the main source of income) Health assistance: Provide masks, soaps, and other hygiene products to the population to counter the coronavirus
Project Togo – Togba
Amount sent on site (100% of donations) : 4000 €
Supported partner association : Djidjole Afrique
Use of Funds: Construction of a classroom in Togba for village children
Project Togo – Fadenyo Kopé
Amount sent on site (100% of donations) : 4000€
Supported partner association : AJSED
Use of funds: Construction of the three remaining classrooms and completion of the three classrooms already built (purchase of building materials, raw materials and school supplies).